Give the gift of freedom!
Residents can receive our long-term residential care. To provide low-cost services, Adult & Teen Challenge of St. Louis must raise funds for nearly all daily operational and administrative costs on an annual operating budget of $1,000,000. Through generous contributions from caring individuals, churches, organizations and the business community we continue helping those who have lost hope. All gifts are tax-deductible and receipts are issued for each donation.
Other Ways to Give
Mail a Donation
Adult & Teen Challenge of St. Louis
P.O. Box 213
High Ridge, MO 63049
Please provide us with your mailing address so we can send you a receipt for your donation.
Donate by Phone
It is easy to make a donation by phone. Contact our Executive Assistant:
Marlene Hunt
636-677-1776 or [email protected]
Planned Giving
In addition to helping Adult & Teen Challenge of St. Louis, Planned Giving has the potential to significantly benefit you, the donor. Potential benefits include:
- Tax Benefits: Planned gifts can reduce estate tax liability if you have a taxable estate or, in certain cases, qualify as an income tax deduction.
- Greater Flexibility: Few of us are able to give as much as we would like to our favorite philanthropies during our lifetime. A planned gift, however, can include real estate or investments that are currently producing needed income.
- Increased Impact: Planned gifts often play a big part in helping a charitable organization make improvements or capital expenditures that enlarge the scope of the organization’s work for many years to come.
Planned Giving Options
There are many different ways to make a planned gift to Adult & Teen Challenge of St. Louis. Listed below are a few of the more popular options. It is important that you consult your attorney or tax advisor before you finalize or change your estate plans.
- Bequest in Will: An arrangement is which a donor establishes a dollar amount or percentage of his or her estate or trust that will go to Adult & Teen Challenge of St. Louis upon their death.
- Gift of Appreciated Securities: A donor may stipulate in his or her will that certain securities shall be donated to Adult & Teen Challenge of St. Louis at their death. Donors who do this avoid the capital gains tax and receive the deduction of the full value of the securities donated.
- Gift of Life Insurance: As with gifts of appreciated securities, a donor may make a gift of life insurance benefits and receive substantial income tax savings.
For more information about Planned Giving options, please contact our Executive Assistant, Marlene Hunt, at 636-677-1776 or [email protected].
Stock Donations
Donations of appreciated securities, usually common stock, provide a tax-efficient way of making a gift to Adult & Teen Challenge of St. Louis. Gifts of appreciated securities held for more than one year entitle you to a charitable income tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities on the date of the gift. Additionally, you avoid the capital gains tax that would otherwise be due on the appreciation if you sold the security.
Donating Stock to Adult & Teen Challenge of St. Louis
Your broker can transfer securities from a brokerage account directly to Adult & Teen Challenge of St. Louis. Please call us at (636) 677-1776 for the account information your broker will need to initiate a transfer.
Please notify us before you initiate a securities transfer so we can identify your gift when it is received and acknowledge it in a timely manner. Please contact us if you want to donate securities held in certificate form. We will help you transfer them safely.
Note: Depreciated securities (securities worth less than what you paid for them) should not be given directly to a charitable organization. Instead, you should sell the securities to generate a tax-deductible capital loss (which can offset your capital gains) and donate the sale proceeds. Your gift, whether cash or appreciated securities, will be greatly appreciated!

Corporate Sponsorships or Underwriting
Your organization can meet its own mission and philanthropic goals plus help provide the necessary funding needed by Adult & Teen Challenge of St Louis to provide student scholarships and cover daily operational expenses. Inspire your staff by partnering with us on our events with financial and volunteer support. Participating in our events will leave your staff encouraged and gratified by observing, first-hand, how the Adult & Teen Challenge program restores broken lives!
Please contact our Executive Assistant, Marlene Hunt, at 636-677-1776 or [email protected] to find out how your organization can become a Corporate Sponsor for Teen Challenge of St. Louis.
Give in Memory
A memorial gift in the name of a loved one to Adult & Teen Challenge of St. Louis serves a two-fold purpose. First, it provides a remembrance of the one departed. Second, the monetary tribute helps Adult & Teen Challenge of St. Louis to continue caring for the needs of troubled men and women.
Please contact our Executive Assistant, Marlene Hunt, at 636-677-1776 or [email protected] to register your Memorial Gift.